Tuesday, May 27

Recipe: Raspberry Cupcakes

Revision for exams is still relentless, thankfully it will be over in a week's time. Unthankfully this means 1st year will officially be over *sob*. All this revision has led to a whole lot of baking and as I'm at home at the moment it's made baking a lot easier. First up on the agenda was a simple Victoria Sponge which, not to blow my own trumpet, was pretty darn good.
On Saturday, I decided to make what I could with the dwindling baking supplies (thankfully they have now been restocked!). I went for Raspberry Cupcakes from this recipe here.


Tuesday, May 13

Recipe: Double Chocolate Cookie Time

These are my favourite cookies of all time and I'm currently contemplating whether to make some more...
I can't take any credit for this recipe as I followed Anna's recipe (here). I'm still wondering why mine never look like hers but they taste incredible. (I blame our uni oven that doesn't have a correct temperature gauge - argh! I also think I put too much milk in but it's all good - nobody complained) 


Thursday, May 8

A Bank Holiday Weekend Part 2 ft. Hardwick Hall and The Peaks

Sunday and Monday of my Bank Holiday Weekend included the most amount of National Trust properties I've been to in the past 3 years. We used to go to loads when we were younger but then I decided it wasn't 'cool' in my teenage years. I'm now really interested in them (am I getting old?) and the weather was pretty good too which always makes it better.

We started at the Workhouse in Southwell where my dad did try and leave me behind as part of infirm residents (ha ha he's a comedian.) It was really interesting especially as I'm currently studying a module about the Welfare State so it felt like a mini field trip. I would recommend the audio guide as the rooms don't really have much in them and it gave a good insight into what it was like (pretty horrible if you ask me - but supposedly better than other workhouses).


Tuesday, May 6

A Bank Holiday Weekend Part 1: McBusted

Sorry it's been a bit quiet on the blogging front, I feel like I've not stayed in one place for long enough to sit down and write something this past week!
I came back to Sheffield last Sunday but was already on my way back to the Midlands on Wednesday having handed in my essay and missing my double bed far too much.


Thursday, May 1

Sheffield: Mud Crab Diner

This restaurant has been on my list to go to ever since I walked past it in Freshers Week. I finally got to go this week with my flatmates, Zoe and Rachel. The inside is nice and the menu looked quite promising - see here. The water comes in a Jack Daniels bottle.
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