1. Graduate. I can't even believe that this will be happening in 2016, when I started way back in 2013 I nearly didn't make it through the first semester for so many reasons. So to now only be a semester away from leaving university it's quite the shock. It's been a bit of a roller coaster with my grades so I'm hoping I can get it right this year. I'm a bit scared for the 'real world' but I definitely need a break from education.
2. Keep blogging. Wherever this year takes me after graduation (and before!), I want to keep blogging. It's something I really enjoy putting time into but far too often forget about. I've really liked how much I've manage to post last month. I'm also thinking of starting up a weekly round up post again, but I'm struggling with what to call it and whether this would actually be a good idea, we'll see on that one. It would be quite nice to grow my readers too but hopefully that will come once I put more time into it. There is a lot of chat about reaching blogging goals at the moment, I'm on the fence about this as blogging loses it's appeal if you're doing it just for a number...
3. Improve my photography. Along with this, take more photos! I've had this little old blog for well over a year (nearly two!) but I only started taking it seriously in the last 6 months of 2015 when I realised it was something I was really interested in. One thing that has developed alongside my love of blogging is my photography. If I spend a lot more time over the photos I'm much more happier than the post I'm putting out there. I have a Sony DSC RX100 which I've pretty much had since the start of my blog, it's a really good camera but I just don't know how best to utilise it - any tips would be greatly appreciated!
4. Exercise. Ah yes, that classic #newyearnew me but I was actually doing really well with the gym until I got to December and stuff kind of took over. My gym membership is one of my main reasons for wanting to get back to Uni. I definitely need some inspiration though so if anyone has any recommendations for workout plans/schedules I'd love to hear them.
5. Get a job and/or travel. I really haven't decided on this one. Part of me wants to get into a proper schedule, 2 hours scheduled at university hasn't really done me much good this past semester. But also I really just want to get out there. Any volunteers want to join me? I have a long list of places I want to go but first I need to start earning and saving so perhaps the travelling will be pushed back to early 2017. For now, there are so many places I want to travel in the UK, what are your favourite places to visit?
So, there we have it a few goals for this year. Here's hoping 2016 is all that we hope for.
What are your goals for this year?
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